Win/Lose condition

 Author: Cameron Taylor

At the current build state when the player died they were instantly teleported back to the start room and floor. This was very jarring and a couple people though it was a bug or were just confused what happened. Also when the player killed a boss it instantly teleported them without any sign that they killed the boss. As for the final boss Dr. Lugo, when he was killed the game would straight up crash...

The first thing I did was update the win condition. What I did was display text saying the boss was defeating and that the simulation was teleporting them to the next floor. This would show for a couple seconds as the boss would die and then the player would be moved. For the death state I would animate the player dying and display text saying that they died. The simulation would also say "resetting" to signify that they were in a simulation of some sorts. The player would then be teleported to the start floor again and be reset. As for fixing the final boss, the issue was that someone else had added enemies that broke the entire system when they were killed. Simple fix: remove the enemies from the game.
