Jump Animation completion
Author: Pedro Polanco III
This problem that I had was with the jump animation for the shotgun enemy. The issue was that the enemy would not jump with his animation, he would jump before or after it was done playing, and the enemy would get locked in the jump animation not being able to do anything else. This would be a problem for the gameplay experience the player is having as the main ability for one of the enemies is broken and would break the immersiveness of the game.
I discovered there were many factors for the enemies broken state. The main issue was that the update loop for the jump would not get called if the player was within a certain range because the enemy was supposed to shoot the player. The other big issue was that if the enemy did not finish the jump, then he would be stuck in the jump start animation. To fix the first issue I had to make sure that the jump of the enemy could not be interrupted by anything so that the full jump action would happen which also fixed the enemy getting stuck inside of the jump animation because when the enemy lands it transitions directly into their walk animation and pursue state.
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