Fixing Font rendering (Still an active WIP) -- Owen Meyers
Like all games, Project [REDACTED] needs a HUD in order to display information to the player. The original system for displaying text in our game was functional, but not particularly good. It was thrown together in haste, and it clearly shows. In order to rectify this, I scrapped it and rebuilt it from scratch. It's still an active work in progress, however, I can very easily give a brief description of the problems. First, it was unreliable in placing the text. Text that was placed in one position on one screen resolution would be in a different position if the screen resized. That text would also have to be placed mathematically OUTSIDE the screen in order to be shown properly. Clearly, if we wanted to resize the screen, we'd need a better system. Secondly, the font itself was rather fuzzy and had a strange reverse scaling issue, where smaller scaling values resulted in a larger font. Both of these needed to be addressed to make the font a bit better on the viewer.
The first problem was resolved by changing how the text quads were generated. Essentially, they were being placed about a central pivot point that was in NDC space, but all the conversions were done at the wrong time. Some coordinates would be in NDC while being used in a math operation with a coordinate in screen space. I fixed this by simply remaking the math behind generating a quad. The pivot point was moved to the top left corner of the text to make it significantly easier to place. This introduced a new problem, however, as some text that needs to be centered in the screen needs more math in order to place properly, namely requiring a measurement of the string's length first. That's a problem that can be resolved by simply adding a helper function to measure a string's length in screen space for use in positioning calculations.
The second problem was resolved by generating a new font layout texture. This was done using a third party tool that would generate a text atlas from a given font. I generated the font to be 256 points large, thus giving us a high resolution texture to work with. This resulted in more crisp text at larger scales, but also fuzzy letters at smaller scales. This is because of bilinear filtering that is happening over the UI layer, when it should have no filtering at all. This still needs to be resolved and will likely be relatively simple to resolve.
The regenerated font texture. It's white text with a transparent background, sorry for that. The font texture is larger than the previous one by about a factor of 5.
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