Level Randomizer Integration

Author: Cameron Taylor

 My beginning issue with the level randomizer is I needed a way to view it in the world so that I know what is happening instead of just looking at raw code. To achieve this I set up the entire header and cpp in another engine so I can easily render everything I need into the world. The problem came when moving both files over to the project because I had to convert from float4 to gateware vector. This isn't too difficult but gateware needs proxies for things and has way less math operations than normal END typedefs. I then also had to integrate this more with Pedro's collision code to bring collision into my handle/update and figure out when the player collides with the door.

As I said above I spent a good amount of time transferring all the data types over to gateware. I then spent easily 3 hours working with Pedro figuring out how to sent signals back and forth without including each others headers in our own headers. We did this by using the instance of each others headers and when needing to retrieve information we would send a signal to the others instance saying "hey we need info" and then they would send it themselves. Dirty workaround but it works well and no issues at the current moment. (Doubt there will be more issues in the future too). After doing all of this the player can now walk around room to room correctly and pressing 'U' in debug mode randomizes the floor and the player can walk around it and explore freely.
