Particles UV problem
author: Swapnil Narola
i was making particle system for the engine. i had a success in having particles show up, now to the next step having texture on it. this was my first time having texture on the particle, but for some reasone the system was not making local UV for one particle, rather have one uv for all the particle.
it was my first time having texture on a point and making UV for it, So i took guides form the vulkan official example code on how he did the particle system, i took the shader code and implemented it, there was one thing i missed was i forgot that vulkan NDC has its y flipped. it took me a week to figure out the problem. when the code use to run you can see there is a partition between screen as i was doing sceenspace UV where half was red and half was yellow, as i move my camera the color change based on position, whcih was basically having UV for the entire particle. it suppose to have UV each individual particle. eventually i got in connect with Rockstar games graphic programmer who help me out with this problem.
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